We Got a Dog!!!

It finally happened … we have a puppy!

I’m going to be honest, I had no idea how hard it would be to find the right dog. Peyton and I looked for months and months to find the perfect-for-us pup. We spoke with rescues and ethical breeders, but we had the hardest time finding the right fit.

On a Friday in September after over a hundred phone calls and FaceTimes, we decided to make one more call. If it didn’t work out, we would put a pause on getting a puppy. That call didn’t work out.


We both had a week off from work starting the next Monday, so it would have been the most perfect time to bring her home and start training. It had been a stressful week and I was bummed about not having a dog, but we were making peace with the process when Peyton remembered that he had spoken with a woman in Arkansas on his lunch break and she had 2 girls left; they were 11 weeks old and were supposed to be going to their forever homes that weekend, but the woman adopting them had to have surgery and no longer could care for them. We called her to see if they were still available and they were!

That phone call took a place around 7:30pm on Friday and the rest of the night was a whirlwind. By 8:30, we were on the way to pick up anything and everything we would need for a new puppy. Being the psycho that I am, we already had a crate, a bed and numerous toys — I figured if we had all the things a dog needs, Peyton and I would get a dog sooner LOL.

We left Nashville around 7am and headed to Arkansas. The drive was about 5 hours and we were TERRIFIED. What if she was a scammer? What if there was something wrong with the puppy when we took her to the vet? What if the puppy doesn’t love us? How are we going to come up with a name? What if she isn’t cute (I’m gonna be 110% honest — I ain’t ever seen two pretty sisters. The other pup had the cutest face, but we loved the coloring our’s has…but the way her hair was cute made her look like an old bald man with hair on the side)?

Thankfully, it all turned out perfectly. My childhood puppy passed away in March of last year and after she died I didn’t know if I would ever want another dog — this one is certainly no replacement and training her has me feeling like our Morgan is looking down and just laughing at us, but life sure is sweeter with a pup.

Meet Mosie Ella, our shihpoo! She is such a relaxed gal and loves making new friends. She is fully potty-trained (FINALLY) and her favorite time of the day is when Peyton gets home.

Katey Tracy