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The first day of the rest of our lives

Y’all…………………………it happened. Peyton freaking proposed (WHAT). And in my most special place on earth, at that.


A little backstory. Every year, my entire extended family goes down to New Smyrna Beach and we just hang out – it’s absolutely nothing fancy, but honest to goodness I would pick this week over an extravagant vacation any day. It’s just the best. We go to NSB because my dad’s parents built a beach house there when he was in school in Orlando, so that’s just always been the ~Brosche~ place to go.

When I say it’s nothing fancy, I mean we are complete and utter beach babes the entire time. We have a couple go-to spots for lunch that we venture out to, but most days we stay in our bathing suits until it’s time for bed. Since there’s never makeup or real clothes involved, I wanted to hire a photographer to take some cute pics with P and my parents. The only specification for our photos was that it had to be at 6:30 in the morning – I was NOT about to let some pretty pictures ruin a beach day!!!

P really wanted a lighthouse in the background and I wanted there to be sand and grass, so we picked this beach park and we were PUMPED. However, things did not go as planned! The night before, half the fam went on a late-night beach walk. I’m so ashamed and embarrassed to acknowledge this, but instead of going for the walk we went ahead and set up our air mattress so we could watch The Bachelorette….don’t regret it one bit. About halfway through, my dad threw open the patio door and ran through screaming that we needed to clear the room. A minute later, two of my cousins ran through the (clean) room carrying my mom. Turns out she had tripped into a hole on their walk and messed up her ankle BAD. My doctor cousin didn’t know if it was broken or just really badly sprained, but either way it was NOT good.

Fast forward a couple hours, and my mom is weirdly upset that she’s missing the pictures. I felt bad that she wasn’t going to be in any, but since P and I had already paid the photographer we couldn’t exactly NOT go, you know? So now it’s time for bed and I can hear her in my parents’ bedroom still so bummed to miss it. P and I started looking for other places, but most of the beach parks didn’t open until 8am. Refer to above, there was no way I was waiting that late to start my beach day – because, you know, priorities. Anyway. We’re trying to think of a place, and then it just hits me. WHY NOT TAKE PICTURES AT THE BROSCHE BEACH HOUSE? The backyard is the ocean, and there are really pretty rocks by the back porch. It’s now way after midnight and I am so confused as to why my mom (who is typically in bed by 8:30pm) cared to stay up picking a place. Whatever, I’m tired and we have to be up early so I just brushed it off and went to bed!

The next morning we woke up HELLA early. It was almost time to head over but my dad was MIA. P said he went to the grocery to get some more pain meds for my mom, which made complete sense. When he got back, it was time to go! Since Mom was on crutches, we drove right up to the boardwalk we were going to start by. It was VERY buggy outside so my dad said he was waiting in the car until P finished helping her up the steps. I was very much on board for this. When Mom was all set up on the boardwalk, Dad and I walked over. As soon as we got there, P started acting soo weird. When I got to the top of the stairs, it hit me.

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I saw the most beautiful little set-up down by the photographer. It felt like Christmas morning. My sweet dude was trying to act like he wasn’t the greatest. He said “oh wow, the photographer brought props!” I was cracking up at his attempt to cover up.

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We started by taking some really awkward staged photos (just killing time) and then…he started saying all of the mushy stuff before he got down on one knee and asked me to spend forever with him. AH. I have chills literally just thinking about it. It also clicked as to why my mom wanted to be there so badly – she got to watch it all happen!! Peep the pic of me turning to show her the ring as soon as I could stop shaking and kissing my dude.


We were supposed to have our photographer for an hour…we stayed for maybe 25 minutes because it was so PAINFULLY buggy. After the photographer left, P said “I have one more surprise.” HE RENTED A BIPLANE AND WE GOT TO GO ON A PRIVATE FLIGHT AROUND NEW SMYRNA.


This is absolutely the ooiest, gooiest post I will write on here but I have no regrets. AHHH still shaking.
