
Hi babes! My name is Katey Tracy and I am the blogger behind Sadie on Sunday.

This blog originally started as a way to keep in touch with out of town family members but has since turned into my little slice of heaven where I talk with you guys about life, fashion, travel, college and anything/everything else!

When I find a new blogger I like, I immediately go to their “About Me” page; I want to know what random facts make them different from every other blogger I follow. Sooo here are some basic things about me:

  • Betty White laughed at me when I was in high school and it still is my proudest moment ever

  • I am a Sagittarius

  • I am a 24 year-old living in St. Petersburg with my husband and pup

  • I hate coffee; my go-to order is anything chocolate-y without espresso

  • I have a 13 year-old pupper named Morgan and she is my WORLD *had…I wrote this about me long ago and can’t bring myself to delete this

  • My goal in life is to own a beachy boutique

  • Kevin Jonas waved at me after I won a hula-hoop contest

  • I’ve never seen Star Wars, but I made a deal w my now husband that I would watch it after we dated for 3 years oops

  • My mom is my bestie

  • Wine lover

  • I work in social media and have a photography business

  • I have no living grandparents (but talk about my mammaw and pop-all daily)

  • I love planners but suck at staying organized and on-schedule

  • LOVE the Nashville Predators

  • I have more reusable water bottles than I can count and I keep buying more LOL

  • My favorite food is sushi

  • I spent my 21st bday on a plane and when I ordered a mimosa they DIDN’T EVEN CARD ME

  • The one and only time I have ever played the slots I went from having $20 to $44.


Behind the name

Since I started blogging three years ago, I’ve had two previous site names — Growing Up With Katey and The Sunday Collection. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE those titles and I feel like they both represent exactly what I was writing about at that time. Now, we have Sadie on Sunday.

My dad’s mother, Sadie, was the biggest fashion influence on me growing up. From the moment I was born until the day she passed away, she was always sending my mom the cutest clothes that she had handmade for me. She lived in Orlando, FL and we would drive down from our small town in Georgia a few times a year to visit (and hit up the beach + Disney, obviously. Grandmommy had the cutest home on Brosche Road (complete with orange trees in the back — could you get any more Florida than that?) and when she wasn’t a sewing together a new look for me, she was watching her soap operas in the kitchen while cooking the best food. Growing up, I was always obsessed with her name; prior to becoming a Brosche, she had the coolest maiden name. I’ve always known that a combination of her name with my Mammaw’s name (mom’s mom) would be the name I went with for my brand, so stay tuned for some fun projects that I never would have started if not for her instilling the love for fashion and homemaking.