What I Learned from Morgan Harper Nichols

Last Thursday, Peyton’s older sister and I went to a Morgan Harper Nichols x ABLE event in Nashville. The theme for the night was “Honesty Over Perfection” and featured talks by MHN, Barrett Ward (1/2 of the power couple behind ABLE) and Ruthie Lindsey. There were snacks, drinks and a perfectly curated little market with empowering products that give back to women. To me, the highlight of the event was when MHN would choose a member of the audience to go onstage and tell her what the word she said meant to them — once they shared their meaning of the word, she wrote a completely personalized poem within 3 minutes for them; she is crazy talented!

Throughout the night, I learned so much. I wanted to write down a few of the things she touched on that felt major to me and I figured I may as well share them with y’all while I’m at it.

  1. Honesty / Perfection — choose to accept, be content and live happily WHERE YOU ARE. Have goals and push yourself to become better, but revel in the now.

  2. Growth is different for everyone — I’m sure this was an accidental topic, as it was only mentioned by one of the audience members on stage, but it stuck with me. It is so easy to compare yourself to every single person around you but you will never be the same. We all grow at different paces and excel in different areas, so it isn’t fair to yourself to compare.

  3. Find joy everywhere — E V E R Y W H E R E. Find it in the little things, find it in the dumb things and most importantly find joy in the sad things.

Katey Tracy