Our Week in the Shark Bite Capital of the World

Hey hi hey. SO, if you follow me on instagram, you know that P finally made it to the Brosche Beach Week. BBW is my extended family's annual beach trip to New Smyrna Beach in Florida; on a good year we'll have around 30 of the loudest, most fun family members hanging out for 7 days on the beach where we all grew up. Last summer, I missed the first part of the week with P so we could spend time with his family during a tough time. P dropped me off at the airport before going up to Ohio and it was a BUMMER. So anyway, flash forward to this year. One of my fav girls from college was getting married in Mississippi the first day of beach week, so we flew down to Florida at 5am after driving to and from Mississippi. Once we landed in Florida, we thought we were good to go but nope -- P's bad car luck continued even out of state (an entire post on his car curse is coming next week). My aunt got a flat tire after picking us up from the beach and we were stranded on the side of the interstate for almost two hours waiting for AAA to show up with the air compressor after P changed the tire. BUT ANYWAY, it was a great trip. When we went to bed at the beach we had been up for about 46 hours so we had the best sleep of our lives. And then we beached all week. With the exception of one 7 year-old, everyone liked P; the 7 year-old said she wants him to stay home next year lol. We boogie-boarded, we built some sad sandcastles, visited the beach house my dad built with his dad, buried P in the sand, ate a LOT of shrimp and loved on my sweet family. P's brother and his Meme were even able to stop by for dinner!

Katey Tracy