The BEST Strawberry + Banana 'Nice Cream'

Y'all. It is officially summer and it is  H O T  in Nashville. The heat is fine, but the stickiness makes it so so miserable. If you're outside for more than a couple minutes, you are  d r i p p i n g.

So, naturally, I've been stuffing my face with rocky road ice cream to stay cool. Turns out, that's not the healthiest way to avoid feeling like you're on fire--so last week I improvised. I made a no-churn cake batter ice cream last summer and it was so GOOD, so I figured I would give 'nice cream' a try this year.

I posted a poll on my instagram story a couple weeks ago asking whether you guys wanted to see a traditional no-churn ice cream recipe or a fruit popsicle recipe and it was about 50/50, so I figured I would combine the two. If you're wondering wtf 'nice cream' is, it's a fruity frozen treat made in a food processor. It has more of a frozen icee/sherbet consistency, and I absolutely love that about just feels like summer, ya know? Being someone who doesn't always love the healthier versions of junk food, I was very skeptical.

make sure to be following me on instagram and facebook so that you can have a say in what I post about!

P and I made this before we hosted a couple friends for Memorial Day weekend @ the lake but it was literally almost gone by the time they got to town. The type of nice cream we made tasted like a frozen strawberry + banana smoothie with some chocolate thrown in, but the best part is that you can change the fruits and add-ins and make it however you want!







  1. 6 bananas

  2. 1 package of fresh strawberries

  3. 1 cup almond milk

  4. 2 teaspoons of vanilla

  5. 1 Ghirardelli milk chocolate baking bar chopped up into small pieces





  1. Cut the bananas into one inch chunks and slice the strawberries (you can use frozen or fresh strawberries--I used fresh strawberries, just wash 'em first).

  2. Put the banana and strawberry pieces into a ziploc bag and throw them into the freezer for about 4-4 1/2 hours.

  3. After the fruit is completely frozen, whip out a food processor and throw the bananas in first
    (while processing everything, stop every 15 or so seconds to mix it all up with a spoon)

    • when the bananas are chopped, add the milk and vanilla.

    • add the strawberries and then add half of the chocolate.

    • after the milk and vanilla, add almost all of the strawberries.

LASTLY, pour it all into a bread loaf pan (I used a 9" x 5") and place the remaining strawberries and chocolate chunks on top. Freeze for about 3-4 hours and then DIG IN!

And there you have it! The easiest no-churn ice cream possible. Let me know if you try this, I want to see what you guys think to mix in!!!

