My Favorite Easy Bread Recipe!

I’ll be the first to admit that I ate pretty much anything I could stomach when I was pregnant. I felt so sick and had the worst aversions - once I made it to the third trimester, I was finally beginning to feel like myself again and loved cooking…until the exhaustion took over LOL. I was so tired all the time!

Anyway, now that our sweet, perfect baby boy is here and I am starting to get my pink back, I’m thinking more and more about how to keep this tiny human safe and healthy. P and I have agreed that once he starts eating foods, we’ll aim to primarily feed him homemade snacks and meals (thinking like an 85/15 split, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there). There are just so many fake things in pretty much everything you buy from the store!

But then I realized, I’m exclusively nursing…with the exception of one night of formula in the hospital (thanks to a very mean and frankly uneducated nurse, but that’s a story for another day), I have been the sole source of nutrients for him! Obviously I was for 9 months of pregnancy too, but now that I am past the pains of pregnancy I feel so much more capable of making good food choices.

All that to say, breastfeeding has probably brought on more cravings than pregnancy has so I fully expect to still eat like trash every once in a while, but replacing our everyday grocery items with real ingredients feels like a good start.

& that brings us to this bread! I do not have the time or patience to commit to sourdough right now, so this has been our go-to bread recipe for about a year and a half now. It is so stinking easy to make, it tastes delicious and it’s the perfect size for two adults to eat on for a week!