Disliking Trump Doesn't Make Me a Brat, a Horrible Person, or a Bad Christian

*Let me start this post by saying I know Donald Trump is going to be the president come January 20. I know that unless he is impeached, he will remain serving as the president for the next 4 years. I am rooting for him and praying with all I’ve got that he will hire at least one person who knows what they are doing because it scares me imagining what could happen in the next four years. That being said, I don’t like him. Millions of Americans don’t like him, which is clear by the fact that he was only elected because of the Electoral College. And ya know what, that is okay. Like many other teenagers against Trump, I have those loud male relatives who call me bratty and uneducated, a horrible person, and a bad Christian for not liking him, many digs of which that are aimed simply at my age. I don’t like Hillary Clinton but you can bet your bottom dollar I would rather have her than a misogynistic, unqualified, arrogant, horrifically rude person. The perks of having a blog is that I am allowed to actually write a full out article on why I dislike him so much without being cut off by a 140 character limit. Regardless of your political association, I hope that you will read this entire, fact-checked post, and let me know what you think of it!*                                                          

            There have been many controversial presidencies in the past. For example, Barack Obama. This is a point that has been well stressed to me by multiple Trump supporters, however, Obama was initially seen as controversial not for his policies, but for his race. Despite his election to the Senate making him the highest-ranked African American office-holder in the country where he served for three and a half years, after serving as a member for the Illinois State senate for seven years. All of this, of course, happened after he graduated from Columbia University and then later graduated from Harvard University, as well. Donald Trump, on the other hand, was given a “small loan of $14 million” from his father according to a 1985 casino-license disclosure (an amount that Politico shows is equivalent to $31 million in today’s dollars). While he did attend an Ivy League school as well, he pursued a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, which served him well for his real estate and business ventures; not for becoming a president. In 1990, he filed $900 million in debt and face bankruptcy. Where it gets interesting to me, is in 2001 when he publicly identifies with the Democratic Party, then in 2009 when he identifies with the Republican Party, then in 2011 when he identifies with the Independent Party, and then in 2012 when he switches back to the Republican Party. Sounds a little sketch.

            Another issue I feel very strongly about is women having the choice to do what they please with their bodies, something Trump has agreed with a few times. Like in 1989 when he co-sponsored a dinner at the Plaza Hotel (which he then owned) honoring the former president of NARAL, a pro-choice organization, Robin Chandler Duke. In 1999, in an NBC interview with Tim Russert, he says, “I’m very pro-choice….I just believe in choice.” And when asked, “Would you ban partial-birth abortion?” his reply was a certain and firm, “No.” Between 1999 and 2011 Trump said that his opinion on the matter had changed because friends of his had planned on having an abortion then opted out, and their child is great. In a CNN interview with Jake Tapper when asked about the subject, he said, “Right. I’m pro-choice.” Keep in mind that was June 28, 2015, shortly after announcing his candidacy. On March 30, 2016, in an interview with Matthews, Trump says that women who seek abortions once they become illegal will face punishments but the men involved will not. Say what?!

            One subject Trump supporters are so excited about is the wall. A major point he campaigned with is that he will build a wall to keep anyone “unauthorized” from entering America. However, while rallying those supporters with the news, he stood firm on his stance that Mexico would pay for the wall. The costs, according to The Government Accountability Office, is estimated to cost $6.5 million per mile for a single-layer fence, with an additional $4.2 million per mile for roads and more fencing. For a 2,000 mile border. From my calculations that is at least $21.4 billion. Good thing Mexico is paying for it! In October, Trump began saying that the US would initially pay for it but later be reimbursed by Mexico. But wait..according to recent (and hilarious) tweets from Mexico’s former President, Vicente Fox Quesada, Mexico will do no such thing. In addition to that, reports show that Trump’s transition team has now began talking to Republican leaders saying that Trump now wants to fund the wall through the appropriations process, according to House Republican officials. Regardless of whether or not this bothers Republicans due to priorities, it is still a big, fat, lie.

While I clearly have VERY many issues with the future president’s policies and claims, the last one I’m going to talk about is how he treats others. It saddens me deeply to see how many women and mothers support him because of what it will do how they love and see themselves and how they treat their mothers and daughters but also how many men and fathers support him because of the same things. We have never had such a hateful man as a president before, and it’s terrifying to think of what he will do. Below are a few of his quotes that I think showcase his personality well and show that if he is entitled to those opinions, then I, and the media, are entitled to our opinions:

  • “You’re disgusting.” When an opposing lawyer in one of his many court cases asked for a medical break to pump breast milk for her three-month old baby.

  • “Ariana Huffington is unattractive, both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man – he made a good decision!” Um – what?

  • “You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.” I wish someone would refer to me simply as a piece of ass, who needs a brain or heart or arms or hands anyway?

  • “If I were running ‘The View,’ I’d fire Rosie O’Donnell. I mean, I’d look at her right in that fat, ugly face of hers, I’d say ‘Rosie, you’re fired.” Crude, sexist, and misogynistic nastiness all in one sentence. Impressive!

  • “One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace. Good people don’t go into government.” ……

  • “I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.” No father should ever lust after their daughter.

  • “I think the only difference between me and the other candidates is that I’m more honest and my women are more beautiful.” Besides the fact that women aren’t objects to be possessed, I like to think he was being sarcastic about his honesty.

  • “The only card [Hillary Clinton] has is the woman’s card. She’s got nothing else to offer and frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she’d get 5 percent of the vote. The only thing she’s got going is the woman’s card, and the beautiful thing is, women don’t like her.” Experience for 500, Alex.

  • “The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes.” Let’s not forget America has the second highest amount of nuclear weapons in the world.

Like I said before, I know that Trump will be America’s next president and I am rooting for him, but that does not mean anyone has to like him. Disliking someone who has such different views from me does not make me a brat, and it does not make me uneducated. Here’s hoping we have a safe and successful next four years.

