Our Birth Story

So I honestly had the most perfect and beautiful labor — water broke at 1:30am, got to the hospital around 2:30am ish and was at 1cm. Since I was a first time mom and not having contractions, they wanted to start me on cytotec but I declined since we had literally just arrived. Got checked into the biggest delivery room the hospital had (it was amazing) and progressed naturally to 5cm around 8:45ish I think before getting an epidural with 45 second contractions every minute and a half. That epidural was sent straight from God! The contractions slowed a little bit so they put me on pitocin (I think the lowest dose) and I was at 10cm around 10:15am and started pushing an hour later for 40ish min. Felt a tiny bit of pressure when his head was coming out but literally no pain.

After they put him on my chest, my OB said something and I asked if something was wrong. She said there was more bleeding than she wanted to see and that she needed an OR, so I was rushed to the OR without Peyton or my sister allowed bc I was hemorrhaging — at some point before we left the room I think I delivered the placenta but have no idea how or when hahaha

We were in the OR for about an hour with 2 cervical lacerations and a 2nd degree perineal tear (PT wasn’t an issue, it was the fact that there was so much blood in the delivery room she could only find 1 cervical laceration initially). According to Peyton and my sister, there was blood all over the floor in the delivery room and then a nurse made a comment about how my doctor was getting in trouble for how much blood she left in the hallway on the way to the OR. The doctor also made a comment that implied I was the second bloodiest patient she’s seen — I’m flattered?

Any way I had to get the vaginal packing for that and had that + catheter in for about 24 hours after, so my bleeding in the hospital was very light. Today there was more blood and we ended up going to the OR because I’m so paranoid and anxious now that something else is going to happen

Katey Tracybirth