How Our Relationship Has Changed Since Moving In Together

I won’t lie to you, living with a boy is weird (and I think P would say the same thing about living with a girl).

It’s been about 6 months since we moved in together which blows my mind — we are just barely almost finished decorating and it literally feels like we have been here for maybe a month and a half. In the last 6 months, we have grown so much as individuals and as a couple. Even though we are engaged and coming into this we knew that we would be together forever, it was important to us that we lived together prior to tying the knot so that we can fully understand what we are getting into 110%. Since we were already pretty inseparable and had housesat for friends and vacationed together I thought nothing would change — not quite the case for us, in the best possible way.

This is the first place both of us have been fully responsible for, so in general we have matured a lot as individuals. That being said, we have also become so much more of a team. We each have our weekly ‘chores’ based on what we excel at, which helps to make sure the apartment is clean without having to constantly bug the other person to do their part.

I am also the most high-strung, anxious person in the world so I was very nervous that moving in together would make P hate me. We dated for about 3.5 years before we moved in together so he had already seen me at my worst (many times I’m sure, lol), but I was scared that being together 24/7 on our own would bring out the worst in both of us due to the stress of adulting. It’s wild to think that we are solely responsible for putting a roof over our heads and food on the table, but we are at the utmost healthiest point we have ever been at in our relationship. Well, since the ~honeymoon phase~ ended lol. I think I can speak for both of us when I say that over the last 6 months we have developed such a stronger sense of appreciation for each other.

This is such a fun chapter and I am soaking up every second of it. I am so grateful that we are able to experience this before we get married and have to fully grow up! 10/10 recommend living with your best friend/lover.

Katey Tracy