How I Get Out of a Funk

I am getting real vulnerable with this post, so here we go. I struggle with anxiety and go through phases where I am 100% and at my best, then other times (more often than not) I just feel stuck and in a funk. A global pandemic obviously does not make it any easier when you can’t leave the house, so I have been focusing on finding joy in the little things that can be done at home.

I am going to briefly run through the at-home routine that helps me. It’s obviously not a magical fix-all, but I am able to get through these ‘tasks’ without just sitting in my head for hours. I try to do most, if not all, on Sunday so that I can begin the week with a clean start. If I feel myself starting to slump down, I *try* to make time throughout the week to recharge. Our weeks are crazy busy so I feel like I rarely have an afternoon to just rest, so picking a quick activity can help so much.

I am working on a more in-depth post about my favorite products regarding this list, so stay tuned for that!

  • Deep Cleaning the Entire Apartment: I’ll be the first to admit that sometimes this only happens every 2 weeks or so, but it is such a refreshing feeling to have a clean space. I’ve been working in the living room since we got Mosie (she hasn’t peed on the carpet yet, but I refuse to give her the opportunity to lol), so I have to look at the living room, kitchen and dining/getting ready area the entire day. I get so overwhelmed if I see papers cluttering the counter or a shopping bag on the floor, so deep cleaning on Sunday makes it so much easier to keep up with throughout the week.

  • Long Shower…Like All-Time High Water Bill Kind of Shower: This is the hardest thing for me. Since I work at home, it is so easy to get dressed in the morning in my ‘day-time pajamas,’ then just switch into my ‘evening pajamas’ when it’s time for bed. That being said, I always feel so much better with clean hair and shaved legs. My favorite thing is to turn a podcast on, light a candle and whiten my teeth — I feel like a brand new person when I get out. Taking my time with my skincare routine is also such a nice escape.

  • Grocery Shopping: This is a weird one for sure, but if I can run to the store on like a Tuesday morning I am thriving. It’s important for me to have a healthy list categorically organized and my AirPods. There is nothing better than listening to a good murder podcast and planning out our meals for the week!

  • Long Walks: A little tricky during a Tennessee winter, but so refreshing. I’m not a huge nature gal, but I will take being outside over a boring treadmill any day. Now with a puppy, it’s so fun to see Mosie get excited for walks and to spend time with her and P unplugged. It honestly feels like an hour long escape from life.

  • A Glow Up: When I know I don’t have time to leave the apartment, something as simple as a face mask and some nail polish can truly work wonders. I have realized that it isn’t so much as spending money or having a great outcome (ahem…my nails literally look like a toddler painted them), but moreso about taking a 30 minute break to focus on myself and just breathe.

  • Gratitude Moments: This sounds so small, and it is, but taking a minute to just reflect on what I’m grateful for is one of my favorite things to do when I need to be at peace. I scroll through my ‘favorites’ album on my phone and just look through random photos from happy times and think about how I felt in that exact moment. The beach is definitely my favorite place, so looking through beach photos (like the pic of my angel Morgan and me at the beach in this post) calms me so quickly.

Like I said, these are small things I like to prioritize — definitely nothing Earth-shattering. That being said, they do genuinely help when I’m feeling stressed and stuck in a funk.

Katey Tracy